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Article: Blog1: The Story Matters Most

Blog1: The Story Matters Most

The Story Matters Most

Over the past year, Charlie has found that Charlie has had great contributions in raising awareness and starting the conversation about the issues at play among our generation. The topics of "Social Pressure" and "Individual Expression" in particular, as Charlie has devoted a back print to them. Through the back prints, heavy topics suddenly become less heavy to talk about and that is exactly the way that helps to start looking at these topics in a different way. Other ways that help with this will be talked about in the near future.

In fact, in 2023, Charlie wants to get her story out even more, because it seems like the awareness is there by now, but the impact is still lacking. There is a new topic ready for the upcoming drop, with back print, but there are many more ideas to start making more impact. One of those ideas is in writing several blogs, in which people will identify and it will also be educational for many.

The topics in these blogs will mostly have to do with the generation for which Charlie makes her clothes and accessories: Gen Z (born 1997-2012) and the millennials (born 1981-1996). Personally, I am from 1996 and it feels to me like I fit into both generations. Therefore, I dare to say that I experience some of the problems experienced by these generations myself. Is that why I started Like Charlie? Definitely.

“I started Like Charlie out of a desire to make topics such as social pressure and individual expression more discussable. By using fun prints and other forms of expressions, I want to make topics that feel heavy for our generation more lighthearted. My personal (negative) experiences with such topics serve as my motivation to spread the message as powerful as possible. With my character traits such as having a strong will, being positive and grateful, I would like to inspire others. I enjoy trying to make a positive impact regarding these topics and hope to give a lot back to young people and further generations. Together with my creativity, all my ideas can become reality within this special brand: Like Charlie.”

The various blogs will have a wide range of topics. For example, social pressure, performance pressure, stress and social media, as well as the power of compliments, individual expression, gender diversity and transforming the school system. I will also be interviewing people among our generation who have an affinity for the topics listed above.

The purpose of the blogs is to get you thinking about the different topics. Most of the blogs will be informative and this way I hope to really teach you something. By bringing up different topics more often, I hope that these topics will start to feel like normal, which will make the conversation about them easier. I also want to inspire you, because I'm sure there will be topics for you that you find really interesting.

To end the first blog, Charlie would like to remind you that you should always do what you really want to do. Don't think too much about what others will think of you, because this will have only yourself.

Last question: Do you have a topic that needs a blog written about? Be sure to let me know by commenting on this blog or by emailing

The head of Charlie

Jurren van der Gun
Like Charlie

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